Producer Co. Software

Producer Company By NUKE

A Producer Company possess membership of minimum 10 or more individuals or two or more institutions indulged in activities related with agricultural produces or post-harvest processing. Thus, a Producer Company can be said as a legally recognized group of agriculturists or farmers willing to improve their income, support, profitability and their living standards.

India possesses 85% farmers having small-landholdings. The Producer companies offer great benefits to its member agriculturalists and farmers. Most of the Producer companies imply the similar procedure and documents for Producer Company Registration. The integrated Form INC-29 can easily be used for registration of a Producer Company.

The incorporation of a Producer Company in India require minimum five Directors and Ten Shareholders/Members. There is no limit for maximum number of members permitted. A Producer Company has its own unique legal entity and allow benefits of limited liability and infinity.

The Producer Companies allow higher credibility in comparison to unregistered organizations of agriculturists/farmers. It is easy to make changes in the Producer Company smoothly just by filling some simple form along with the concerned ROC. A registered Producer Company is eligible to accept deposits from or offer loans to its member agriculturalists at genuine interest rates. Nuke helps in Producer Company registration.